My name is Tiffany Lea Zimmermann. I founded ZimmyLifestyle in 2016 after struggling at school and feeling like I didn’t have a place in the world. I am currently 18 and pursuing my dream of singing and acting. From my apartment in London, I am hopefully able to inspire my readers. Starting just with fashion in mind, I have spread my blog to talk not only about clothes but to talk about the small things. Even if it’s just a tv show I loved or the places I’ve traveled to. I am now very fortunate to share with my viewers the reality and absolute craziness of some of the most famous events in the world. I am very lucky to get to attend amazing functions and meet important celebrities. Through the posts that are shared every 2-3 days; my goal is to encourage and inspire everyone who comes across them. I’m always looking for something new to share with my viewers. The world has so many opportunities, so get inspired and get out and explore fashion, beauty and the world just as I am doing.

7 thoughts on “ABOUT ME

    1. Hey Salma, I’m so sorry to hear that. There are a lot of platforms where to start your blog (Blogger, WordPress…). The main thing you have to concentrate on is what you want to share and the topics you want to write about. Then write, and improve and learn from your mistakes overtime! I’ll be glad to share some more tips with you. You can always DM on Instagram if you have any questions 🙂 Xx, Tiffany Lea


  1. Zimmy,I really get inspired that in this little age,u started your own blog channel and I really like that.I just wanna ask you that nowadays I wanted to start my own blog channel but I couldn’t get the platform where should I start,can you give some suggestions to me?


  2. Hi! I was just wondering how you are able to travel to all these places at such a young age? Also how are you able to attend all these events around the world? Lastly what do you do for a living or would like to do?? Thanks!!

